Entries by Clarity PRC


Curbing reckless and predatory lending: A statutory analysis of South Africa’s National Credit Act

by Dr. Andrew D. Schmulow Competition and Consumer Law Journal, Vol. 24, no. 3, 2016. This article provides a statement and an analysis of South Africa’s statutory provisions aimed at curbing reckless lending, and preventing predatory lending, to financial consumers. The focus of the article is on the statutory mechanisms for combatting reckless and predatory […]


Twin Peaks 2.0: reforming Australia’s financial regulatory regime in light of failings exposed by the Banking Royal Commission

by Dr. Andrew D. Schmulow, Dr. Karen Fairweather and Prof. John Tarrant Law and Financial Markets Review, Vol. 12, no. 4, 2018, pp: 193-202. In November 2017 the Federal government established a Royal Commission into Australia’s financial services industry that has become widely known as the Banking Royal Commission. The Commission has, during its hearings, […]

ASIC’s Loss to Westpac is Terrible for Everyone Last month, an Australian Federal Court ruled against ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission) in its responsible lending case against Westpac Bank, where the bank was alleged to have improperly assessed whether loans granted between 2011 and 2015 were suitable for customers. In a 29 June article, AFR columnist Karen Maley […]